St John the baptist' primary school
Built in 1887, St John the baptist primary was built as a voluntary aided school for infants that coincided with the formation of the adjacent St John's church, and although it only had four classrooms, managed to maintain its place at the heart of the community for almost 120 years. It's doors were closed along with a number of local schools in 2004 when a new school was built in order to bring the pupils into one place. The nationally famous comedian Frankie Randle was born next door in 1901 was known to have been a pupil at the school in his infant years, and the labels of the last group of children's names still stand above the coat hangars in the cloakroom. The building has now been locked up for more than a decade but is on the market for any future restoration, however its listed status restricts the possibility of redevelopment and thus the school has started to decay heavily.